Living Out Your Vocation
Embark on a pilgrimage to discover and live out the life God intends for you.
Live a life worth living as you create a “program of life,” learn valuable life tools, and develop confidence with Catholic psychologist Dr. Mark Glafke and Dr. Gerry Crete as you prepare for ministry and vocation.
In this online course you will learn:
- How to identify what lies beneath your sadness
- How to identify triggers for anxiety and what leads to avoidance of things you desire
- How to free yourself from destructive behaviors such as pornography and masturbation
- How to break the cycle of addictions to substances
- What fosters procrastination
- How to discern your vocation to the priesthood, religious life or marriage
- How to create actionable steps toward addressing these areas through a “life plan”
Frequently Asked Questions
What if I make the "wrong" choice in discerning my vocation?
This is a common concern for young people today, and this course will address this fear and provide support and reassurance during the discernment process.
I know I'm not called to be a priest or religious, but don't know what career choice to pursue. Should I take this course?
Yes, this course is really about getting to know and understand yourself better so you can pursue the direction God is calling you toward right now. Selecting a job, education path or career is also about being the best you can be.
Will this course help me with my life struggles such as anxiety, depression, alcohol use, and porn use?
Yes. Although this course won’t solve all your problems, it will help you get on the right track to start making better decisions, find good support, and begin the process of healing and the restoration of mind and body. In this course, you will create a life plan that will guide your decisions and help you chart a new course so you can live a life worth living!