Parts and Sacraments:
The Importance of Integration in Receiving the Eucharist and Reconciliation
Before the 2024 Eucharistic Congress held in Indianapolis, Dr. Peter Malinoski and Dr. Gerry Crete hosted a pre-conference for Resilient Catholics Community members and anyone attending the Congress interested in learning more about Souls and Hearts.
This three-hour course contains the two presentations, associated experiential exercises, and audience Q&A from this pre-conference:
All of Your Parts in an Integrated Experience of Reconciliation (presentation by Dr. Peter)
Experiential Exercise: Your Parts, Confession, and Reconciliation
The Inmost Self and the Parts in Communion: The Eucharist as the Sacrament of Unity (presentation by Dr. Gerry)
Experiential Exercise: The Self-System and Communion with the Body of Christ