“The Kingdom Within” with Dr. Gerry Crete

Reflections on our inner worlds.

Souls and Hearts is excited to bring you a new monthly feature — The Kingdom Within. Each month, Dr. Gerry reflects on passages from the Bible, the writings of the saints, Church documents, and the writings of noteworthy theologians, philosophers, and spiritual writers from a parts work perspective. The Kingdom Within comes to your email inbox every third Monday of the month.

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The Garments of Skins and Our Protective Stances

January 20, 2025

After God condemned Adam and Eve for eating of the Tree of Good and Evil, but right before he casts them out of Eden, we read the following: “The man named his wife Eve, because she was the mother of all who live. And the Lord God made garments of skins for the man and for his wife, and clothed them.” (Genesis 3:20-21) Jewish perspectives on the garments of skins Interestingly, Adam and Eve had made clothes out of fig leaves to hide their shame, but God provides garments of skins, presumably from dead animals as a better alternative. This is such an interesting... READ MORE

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