Marriage and Pornography
Embark on a pilgrimage together to restore your marriage after you discover a pornography issue.
Dr. Gerry Crete, marriage and family therapist, has helped many of his clients over the years overcome issues around pornography. This online course is an adaptation of his proven program. Each of the 24 modules is not only full of valuable information and resources but contains action items for husbands and wives to complete individually and together.
In this online course you will learn:
- A step-by-step process to restore your marriage and live free of pornography
- Why you or your spouse has a dependency on pornography
- How to set new boundaries
- How to break the cycle of addiction
- How to discover true intimacy with your spouse
- The right questions to ask your spouse
- How to disclose to your spouse that you’ve been using pornography
- How to process your sense of betrayal
- How to begin the healing process
- Where to find support and resources
Free Related Souls & Hearts Content
Learn How to Actively Listen
Restoring a marriage requires listening to one another without judgment or criticism. Learn about active listening, which is part of Souls and Hearts’ free course, “A Catholic’s Guide to Helping a Loved One in Distress.”
Understand Legitimate Need Behind Sin
Understand that sin such as pornography use often reveals a good and unmet human need. Learn more from Episode 14 of Souls and Hearts’ weekly podcast, “Be With the Word.”
Appreciate Brain Changes From Porn Addiction
Sexual desire is normal and natural. Learn about how porn addiction happens when your brain becomes “tricked” into believing an addiction is needed for survival. Dr. Gerry discusses this topic as a guest on “Catholic Late Night.”
I am single but using pornography. Can this course help me?
Although designed with married couples in mind, this course will also help single persons, struggling with pornography use, who want to one day enter a marriage free of pornography.
My spouse is not willing to change. Should I take the course alone?
Yes, this course will help you better understand why your spouse is using pornography. It also provides many resources and suggestions for the spouse to use during this difficult time.
My spouse does not know that I’m using pornography. Should I take this course before I tell her?
Yes, one module takes you step-by-step through the disclosure process. Once your spouse knows of your pornography use, you can continue working through the course together.