Dear Souls and Hearts members, I want to invite you to pursue an ordered, balanced, wholesome, and holy understanding of the use of imagination and daydreaming to bring you to both psychological wholeness and a deeper intimate union with God and Mary. With that goal...
Catholics Discussing the Downsides of Daydreams
Dear Souls and Hearts Members, As a clinical psychologist, I am particularly interested in the inner lives of people – not just what one sees from outside, the external acts, but what is going on deep within a person, at the level of the heart. In our last weekly...
A Catholic Researcher’s Reference List
Dear Souls and Hearts Members, Have you ever wondered, “How does Dr. Peter research the content for the Interior Integration for Catholics podcast and these weekly reflections? What are his ‘go-to’ primary resources for grounding the best of secular psychology and...
Does Jesus Have Parts?
Dear Souls and Hearts Members, We are pleased to be able to engage with our Souls and Hearts community members on the intersection and the interplay between the natural and the spiritual. Recently Dr. Gerry answered questions from Helen Young, a Resilient Catholic...
Reconciling IFS with Our Catholic Christian Faith
Dear Souls and Hearts Members, I am so pleased to share with you the first in a series of six weekly reflections by Marriage and Family Therapist Gerry Crete, Ph.D, our own Dr. Gerry, co-founder of Souls and Hearts and a dear friend. A bit of backstory – I first met...
Link’s Library: Catholic Human Formation Resources
Dear Souls and Hearts Members, Link, a Resilient Catholics Community member, recently asked, "Dr. Peter, what would you recommend I read to work on developing my understanding of Catholic anthropology?” Inspired by Link’s question, Dr. Gerry and I are collaborating on...
Catholic Human Formation Is a Lifelong Pilgrimage
Dear Souls and Hearts Members, Last week, we began a new series with the weekly reflection titled Catholic Understandings of Human Formation. In this reflection, we will explore the “when” of human formation. We have all heard that our “formative years” are so...
Catholic Understandings of Human Formation
Dear Souls and Hearts Members, We are embarking together on a new series of weekly reflections to lay the foundation and build the framework for an authentically Catholic understanding of human formation – and then broadening that foundation and framework to include...
Moving Beyond Catholic Spiritual Bypassing
Dear Souls and Hearts Members, Welcome to the fifth and final weekly reflection in our series on Catholic spiritual bypassing. To lead off this week's reflection, I'm sharing a testimony which is so relevant and important to our discussion on spiritual bypassing....
The Causes and Effects of Catholic Spiritual Bypassing
Dear Souls and Hearts members, This is the fourth in a series of reflections on spiritual bypassing. The previous reflections set us up for a deeper understanding of the causes and effects of spiritual bypassing: February 22, 2023 Spiritual Bypassing: Catholic Style...