Review of Parent, Child, and Adult: Healing Our Inner Selves
Dear Souls and Hearts Member, We are embarking on a project in these weekly reflections that I’ve been looking forward to for a long time. Over the next several weeks, we will be taking a deep dive into the books currently published that may be the most helpful for...
IIC 124: Your Parts, IFS, And War: An Experiential Exercise
Your Parts, IFS, and War in the Middle East
Dear Souls and Hearts Member, Sometimes a week off just doesn’t pan out. I am back this week despite my planned break. My writer part couldn’t resist, and a self-led desire to share the fruits of my own interior work has inspired this week’s reflection. Three...
The Eight Steps to Understand Your Parts Through Exploring Your Daydreams
Dear Souls and Hearts Members, Last week’s reflection shed light on the deep interior work of St. Ignatius of Loyola, whose lengthy convalescence from a cannon ball wound grounded his temporal affairs and offered him an opportunity to re-evaluate his modus operandi. ...
What Your Daydreams Tell You About Your Relationships
Dear Souls and Hearts Members, In episode 120 of the Interior Integration for Catholics podcast, titled Understanding Narcissism More Deeply with IFS, I introduced you to four characters, two of whom were married – Thomas, who presents with overt narcissism and...