"Does a man have friendship toward himself? He [Aristotle] observes that this question must be postponed since it is a semantic problem rather than a real one. Friendship seems to exist among any persons who possess two or three of the characteristics mentioned. And...
IIC 121: Connecting with Your Own Narcissistic Parts: Experiential Exercise
Examples of Bad Self-Love and the Consequences
Dear Souls and Hearts Members, In our last two weekly reflections (the archive is here) and in the last Interior Integration for Catholics podcast episode, we have been exploring the importance of ordered self-love. In agreement with St. Thomas Aquinas, I have been...
St. Thomas Aquinas: You Must Love You. First.
Dear Souls and Hearts Members, Love was of the highest importance to St. Thomas Aquinas. He identified love as “the source and summit” of the life of each person. Catholic philosopher Anthony Flood, in his masterful book The Metaphysical Foundations of Love summarizes...