Dear Souls & Hearts Member, It’s 2025. It’s time to get going on personal mission statements. Today, I offer you a high-level conceptual overview of personal mission statements, and how they integrate with personal vision and personal values statements. In the...
Writing your Personal Values Statement as a Catholic
Dear Souls and Hearts Member, It is so good to resume our series on personal values statements after a brief detour into the topics of Purgatory and polarizations. Just to recap and review, here are the dates, titles, and links to the previous episodes in this whole...
Receiving the Light of Natural Aspirational Values from Non-Catholic Sources
Dear Souls & Hearts Member, As a reminder, I noted in the first reflection in this series: “Your values are your treasures. They are whatever is “precious” to you – as Gollum valued the ring. They are what motivate and move you…” In our last reflection,...
Discerning your Aspirational Values with Catholic Saints and Traditional Spiritualities
Dear Souls and Hearts Member, Especially in the election season, especially in this U.S. election season, I am reminded that we live in difficult times. Plunging rates of Church attendance across all faiths in recent years; fewer than a quarter of Catholics attending...
Understanding Values More Deeply
Dear Souls and Hearts Member, Since 2017, author and business coach Scott Jeffrey has made a living out of helping people “discover” their personal values, helping hid clients to “figure out what they stand for.” He writes on his landing page that “Most people can...
What Are Your Personal Values?
Dear Souls and Hearts Member, We started our series with on July 22, 2024 with the reflection titled Your Vision, Mission and Values; this first piece gave a broad overview of writing personal statements. Our last reflection from August 12, 2024 titled Writing Your...
Your vision, mission and values
Dear Souls and Hearts member, When I was six years old as a first grader in September 1975, Diana Ross released a number one hit song that imprinted itself on my mind, raising in me large existential questions for such a young lad. It was the “Theme from Mahogany”, a...