Dear Souls & Hearts Member, Things don’t always go according to plan. I was planning for this reflection to offer you my mission statement – but what I found was that over the last four weeks, I have focused in again on my personal vision statement. We...
Your Personal Mission Statement: Who, What, Where, When, and Why?
Dear Souls & Hearts Member, It’s 2025. It’s time to get going on personal mission statements. Today, I offer you a high-level conceptual overview of personal mission statements, and how they integrate with personal vision and personal values statements. In the...
I Share My Values Statement
Dear Souls and Hearts Member, Happy Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (transferred)! I hope you are having a blessed and holy feast day. Today I share with you the final reflection in our six-part series on personal values statements. We...
Receiving the Light of Natural Aspirational Values from Non-Catholic Sources
Dear Souls & Hearts Member, As a reminder, I noted in the first reflection in this series: “Your values are your treasures. They are whatever is “precious” to you – as Gollum valued the ring. They are what motivate and move you…” In our last reflection,...
Writing your personal vision statement as a Catholic
Dear Souls and Hearts Member, “Fr. Emil,” the pastor of Our Lady of Perpetual Responsibility parish in Garrison Keillor’s fictional Lake Wobegon community in his long-running radio series Prairie Home Companion used to say about different moral issues such as...
Your vision, mission and values
Dear Souls and Hearts member, When I was six years old as a first grader in September 1975, Diana Ross released a number one hit song that imprinted itself on my mind, raising in me large existential questions for such a young lad. It was the “Theme from Mahogany”, a...