Unintentional Bedfellows: The Marriage of IFS and Catholic Thought
Dear Souls and Hearts Member, I am so pleased and eager to bring you a guest weekly reflection by Michelle Gardiner, one of our Resilient Catholic Community members and a student in the Master’s in Counseling program at Divine Mercy University. Michelle’s weekly...
A Dissertation on IFS and Catholicism
Dear Souls and Hearts Member, I had not intended to send out an email this week; but something happened – and I just had to share that something with you. Divine Mercy University doctoral student in psychology Christian Amalu successfully defended his dissertation...
Applied Review #1: Boundaries For Your Soul
Dear Souls and Hearts member, I am very excited to offer you my review of the 2018 book Boundaries for Your Soul by Alison Cook and Kimberly Miller, two friends and colleagues of mine, following on last week’s anthropological review of the same book by our Souls and...
Boundaries For Your Soul: Understood through a Catholic Anthropological Lens
Dear Souls and Hearts Members, As we continue our series of reviews of Christian IFS works, I am so pleased to bring to you the first of two reviews of Boundaries for your Soul by Alison Cook and Kimberly Miller, two friends and colleagues of mine. Boundaries for...
IIC 130: Grounding IFS in Catholicism– Litanies of the Heart by Dr. Gerry Crete
Book Review: Part 3 — A Catholic Review of Altogether You by Jenna Riemersma
A Catholic Review of Altogether You (Part 3: Clinical / User Review) by Dr. Peter Martin This is the third of a 3-part series of reviews on Jenna Riemersma’s Christian-integrated IFS book, Altogether You. As mentioned near the end of the second review of this series,...
Book Review: Part 2 — A Catholic Review of Altogether You by Jenna Riemersma
Dear Souls and Hearts Member, Happy New Year to you! In 2024, I am happy to share that we are continuing our series of book reviews on internal parts and systems from a Christian perspective, and this is the second of three parts of Catholic psychologist Peter...
Book Review: Part 1 — A Catholic Review of Altogether You by Jenna Riemersma
Dear Souls and Hearts Member, Merry Christmas to you and to your loved ones. I hope this season is one of peace, joy, and love for you and all your parts. It is a blessing to be with you. I am excited to continue our series of book reviews on parts and systems work...